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Helping a Food Bank provide even more!

The "Lord's Food Bank"

The "Lord's Food Bank" has been supporting some 330 families and Miguel Pro Mission is helping to increase the amount of food available for the growing need. Families are visited before they are guaranteed a regular food donation. Others come to ask for help and are provided with some food, but not as much as regular recipients. With additional support from us, more families will be added to receive ongoing food donations and there will be more food for the pantry to help those who come unexpectedly for help. Photos show a family getting a donation delivered and the line of people who were asking for help on one day.

Materials to Replace Collapsed Roof

Support for a Juarez Fireman to repair his collapsed roof 

The roof collapsed over one room of the home of Carlos, a Juarez fire man, and his wife Mayra. A photo of them with their children is shown. Since they often volunteer to help others in need, a friend Eina, helped them apply for help from Miguel Pro Mission to get the materials to replace that roof. Work is underway now and a photo of the ditch and supporting wall is also shown.

Grieving Family in Need

(20 people living on 1400 pesos/week or $60 USD)

   We are building improved housing for the family that recently lost a young girl. The extended family, all living on the same property, is very large, a grandmother, her five offspring who are all parents, and all of their children.

One of those fathers is the one that lost his 15-year-old daughter. There are 20 or more individuals living on the same property with inadequate living quarters and only one adult, a mother of 5, has a regular full-time job making only $1400 MXN. (pesos) per week which is equivalent to about $60 US per week.  Two of the fathers have experience as brick layers (cinder block builders actually) but they do not have regular work. These photos of the grandmother’s house and the girl’s father’s house shows the condition of their homes.

Update- (family receives an addition)

The building is underway for the family that lost a 15-year-old girl. There will be an addition to the current family home. The previous design plan for what existed is framed in red. It is just a bedroom. The house will have 4 more rooms when the work is completed as shown below: two bathrooms at each end, a master bedroom on the left, and a kitchen-dining area between the bedrooms.

A July 3 photo shows construction progress.



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